Arkansas PIRC Resources
“Parents Make a Difference”
This video, developed by AR State PIRC, features parental involvement activities in Arkansas schools! A great resource for educators!
Parental Involvement Booklets|Handouts
Brochures developed by the AR State PIRC/Center for Effective Parenting and containing information on various aspects of parental involvement. Color and black & white versions available.
Parent Educators’ Curriculum Guide
Information on selected parenting education program.
Parental Involvement Workshops
- Strengthening the Partnership Between Home and School
- Partnering with Parents
- Parent Leadership Development Institute
Information on training of trainer workshops developed by the AR State PIRC/Center for Effective Parenting in the area of parental involvement . Each workshop consists of a powerpoint presentation, which can be downloaded, a presenter’s script and participant handouts.
Handbook for Arkansas Parent Coordinators & Parent Facilitators
Archives of the “The Parent Educator” which was published by the AR PIRC for educators on topics related to parental involvement.
Other Resources
Arkansas Department of Education’s Professional Development Modules
Training modules on parental involvement which can be downloaded for presentations to educators. Developed by the Arkansas Department of Education and AR State PIRC/Center for Effective Parenting.
U.S. Department of Education Resources
Recommended resources from the U.S. Department of Education’s website.
U.S. Dept Of Education Guidance on Supplemental Education Services
The guidance clarifies the roles of states and districts in implementing supplemental educational services under No Child Left Behind, as well as highlighting ideas for connecting parents to supplemental educational services (SES) providers (June 2005).
Home School Communication (January 2009 FINE Newsletter)
This month’s issue of the FINE newsletter, created by the Harvard Family Research Project, features an article on Home School Communication. Educators can also access the newsletter archive for past issues/topics.
Innovations in Education: Creating Strong Supplemental Educational Services Programs
This U.S. Department of Education publication (May 2004) focuses on the implementation of the No Child Left Behind Act’s supplemental educational services provisions.
Family Involvement in Middle and High School Students’ Education
This research brief synthesizes the latest research that demonstrates how family involvement contributes to adolescents’ learning and development. The brief summarizes the latest evidence base on effective involvement – specifically the research studies that link family involvement during the middle and high school years to outcomes and programs that have been evaluated to show what works.
Engaging Families at the Secondary Level: What Schools Can Do to Support Family Learning
This strategy brief discusses strategies for successful family involvement at the middle and high school levels. Other briefs on this page deal with working with diverse populations and school transitions.
Southwest Educational Development Laboratories
SEDL is a private, non-profit education research, development, and dissemination corporation. SEDL creates and provides research-based products and services to improve teaching and learning.
SEDL Toolkit on Title I Parental Involvement
This toolkit is designed to provide information to those who are implementing Title I Part A parental involvement provisions. By using these tools, you can increases the “transparency” for parental involvement in children’s education.
National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education
A clearinghouse for resources that help build and facilitate effective family-school partnerships.
Parental Involvement in Education Handouts
Link to handouts on this website which focus on various aspects of parental involvement!
Parental Involvement Workshops
Link to parental involvement training materials on this website.